Monday, November 30, 2009

The miracle is here! Check it out...

Honey is a sweet aliment produced by honey bees and that is derived from flower's nectar. Honey is a very nutritional food. As it is all bio-produced it carries the most beneficial elements of nature. honey is scientifically proved to help in the prevention of many diseases and is an effective remedy for many others. Honey is a very healthy food and preserves many of its beneficial effects when used in baking, spread on breads and even when it used as an addition to many beverages. It can be used as a sweetener and it can replace sugar in cooking. Some of the benefits of honey are:
-Constipation - Take several tablespoon of raw honey everyday (if you are not diabetic).
-Aid Digestion - Take one to two tablespoons, three times a day, after meal.
-Sore throat - When you have sore throat it is advisable to mix honey, lemon juice and egg white and sip with spoon. This will ease coughing and thus promoting soothing of sore throat distress or you can drink one cup of warm tea with honey added, three times a day.
-Bronchitis - Dissolve honey in a cup of boiled milk. Sip slowly to ease respiratory distress.
Smoother Skin and to Remove Pimples - Apply everyday pure honey into your face and let it dry for one hour. Then wash your face with soap and water.
-Honey helps maintain body youthfulness.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is there anything I should know about onions?

If you have ever asked this question to yourself, here I will try to give you a satisfactory answer about some basic facts that you should know about the benefits of onions. Onion is a basic ingredient in different dishes. It is widely used in Africa, Asia and Mediterranean countries. You can find different types of onions, so there are yellow onions, red onions, green onions and white ones. They all belong to lily family. Anyway, lets proceed with the benefits of this sweet and acidic vegetable.
-Onions help preventing cancers. They prevent the "blooming" and the spreading of stomach cancer. People who include onions in their diets have less probability to suffer from this type of cancer than those who rarely use this vegetable.
-Onions help decreasing bad cholesterol. People who use this vegetable are less prone to suffer from cardiovascular problems as onions reduce the level of lipids in blood thus benefiting heart and decreasing/preventing the distress that lipids cause to heart functioning.
So, you should consider including onions on your daily diet because of these benefits that it provides to you, BUT BE CAREFUL onions should not be eaten like apples, one after the other otherwise you will find yourself in troubles.

(****Note: This is not the opinion of a professional, so please contact your physician if you consider to include onions as medical treatment. Thank you.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


One of the most acidic fruits is lemon. Lemons can be found everywhere. We use lemons to make lemonades, we add them to different drinks. Lemon is also used as an ingredient or garnish in our cooking.
This little "yellow ball" is also know for its healing powers. Let's have a look at the points listed below:
Lemons (lemon juice) when mixed with hot water can cure nausea, constipation, worm infestations, heartburn.
Lemon is known to relieve hiccups.
As a diuretic, lemon helps people that suffer from infections in the urinary tract.
It helps people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism.
Lemon is thought to cure malaria when mixed with coffee.
If you pour some lemon juice into a small piece of cotton wool and place it in your nostrils, it could stop your nose bleeding.
Lemon juice can prevent sunburn when applied on your skin.
Lemon balms can brake fevers.
Lemon balm is treatment for cough, hay fever and colds.
Beside these benefits lemon can help in calming peoples anxiety. The Roman used the lemon as a cure for the poisons. So, the lemon is bitter for your taste but sweet for your health.
(***Note: This is not the opinion of a professional. If you consider to take lemons as a cure please ask first your physician.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There are many wonderful places on this earth to visit. All over the planet there are breath taking beaches, monuments, circle sites etc. that please every expectation you might have on your vacation.
With what am I to start? Let's take Egypt with its wonderful pyramids, golden sand, camels, and everything else that only Egypt can offer.
Let me go on with Turkey...wonderful five-star hotels, mesmerizing view and
once-in-a-lifetime experience.

And what else am I to say about little, exquisite ALBANIA...Virgin coastline, crystal sea, green forests,friendly people and plenty of ancient sites to visit.
Oops!!! For a moment I nearly forgot Macedonia, an amazing part of Balkan's landscape.
Anyway I am just suggesting, the decision is up to you.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Study: consumption of vegetable juice is good for health

LONDON-Dozens of studies have documented the relationship between food and vegetables rich with numerous health benefits, however most people still fail to consume the amount of preferred.

In an international symposium about the impact of fruit and vegetables in human health, two studies are presented which show that fluid from vegetables helps to meet the needs and simultaneously beneficial health affects.

The first study was done in persons from age 40 to 65 years over 12 weeks. All eksperimentuarit who consumed two cups of vegetable juice, have preferred to meet the amount of consumption of vegetables a day.

It is also shown that drinking vegetable juice significantly reduces blood pressure increased.

One other study has shown that overweight persons with metabolic syndrome who have smoked within the diet and 100% juice from vegetables, have lost more kilograms of surplus in comparison with those who did not drink.
(my / BalkanWeb)

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